Thursday, February 5, 2009

fifty sixth

i know your blood boils at this parody.but whos the author?

fifty fifth

who is the poet of the poem whose extract is below:
The Peer now spreads the glittering Forfex wide,
T' inclose the Lock; now joins it, to divide.
Ev'n then, before the fatal Engine clos'd,
A wretched Sylph too fondly interpos'd;
Fate urged the Sheers, and cut the Sylph in twain,
(But Airy Substance soon unites again)
The meeting Points the sacred Hair dissever
From the fair Head, for ever and for ever!

fifty fourth

nice topography.what is it called and where is it?

fifty third

id this  X.clue?

here is an inscription on X in Latin, which translated reads:

"Great X the door closer of Oxford renovated April 81680 in the reign of Charles II. Deacon John, the Bishop of Oxford and sub Deacon give thanks to the knowledge of Henry Smith and the care and workmanship of Christopher Hodson".

Great X is still sounded 101 times every night, which signifies the 100 original scholars of the college plus one (added in 1663). It is rung at 21:05, which corresponds to what used to be "Oxford time" (when different parts of the country set their clocks according to their distance from the Greenwich meridian), and was at one time the signal for all the Oxford colleges to lock their gates. The bell is only rung by swinging on very special occasions.

fifty second

in January 23, 2005, X published an unsigned article about Wikipedia entitled "Written by whomever wants to", shedding doubts on the encyclopedia's reliability. According to the article, the freedom entailed by Wikipedia is a cause for its success, but "it is also Wikipedia's greatest flaw, because its articles are subject to ignorants and ill-disposed [individuals]". It goes on to draw a comparison with Encyclopædia Britannica, whose first article on psychoanalysis was, according to X, written by Sigmund Freud.what or who is X?

fifty first

whose logo is this?

fiftieth.......... yay

id this father-son duo ,famous for milling out rap music and owning guttar's

forty ninth

something connects both of these guys.the connect is now famous with A but was initially made famous in the 1960s by B.tell me what is the connect 



forty eighth

X and Y are terms used by some in the social sciences and the behavioral sciences to refer to two different kinds of data concerning human behavior.

  • X is a description of behavior or a belief in terms meaningful (consciously or unconsciously) to the actor; that is, an X account is culture-specific.
  • Y is a description of a behavior or belief by an observer, in terms that can be applied to other cultures; that is, a Y account is '"culturally neutral".
  • what is X and Y.
  • (cluefully do try to rhyme ethnic)

forty seventh

if i tell u who he is .u would guess he studied at the MIT.but no he studied at harvard.tell who this american patriot fourfather is.

forty sixth

i know this picture is black&white and actually he's a whitehead.tell me who is this excellent personality holding an engine.

forty fifth

whats this?

forty fourth

these are the ten what?

forty third

i know it looks familiar.take a good look and tell me which game is this from.

forty second

sorry for poor image but tell me what is this 

forty first

ok ,in which of his books does one see this?not only that tell me what is the symbol specifically called?


ok whose coat of arms?

thirty ninth

The term refers to the X since 1977, and the fact that no first-time champion has ever successfully defended his title there the following year, hence the Y

Of the seventeen players to have won the championship at the X, five lost in their first match as defending champion (John Spencer in 1978, Terry Griffiths in 1980, Steve Davis in 1982, Dennis Taylor in 1986 and Graeme Dott in 2007) and only two have reached the final: Joe Johnson in 1987 and Ken Doherty in 1998.wats X &Y?

thirty eighth

ok simple

thirty seventh

so what were they called by rivals after this new logo?

thirty sixth

ok id these guys and tell me how are they related.

thirty fifth

ok tell me which movie and who directed and who produced it - visitor maps