Saturday, March 21, 2009

143-not far away from 150

A}I want you to tell me a word which is very long.further it is the name of a special form of silicosis caused by ultra-microscopic particles of silica volcanic dust.Silicosis,if you did'nt know, is a form of occupational lung disease caused by inhalation of crystalline silica dust, and is marked by inflammation and scarring in forms of nodular lesions in the upper lobes of the lungs.

B}what is this soft peaceful animal

C}Rapid Fire [short answer type] questions-straightforward-----

1]What are fire arms named after?

2]what is called Tikli in Marathi,Chandlo in Gujarati,Teep in Bengali,Nande in Malaysia & Paki dot in English ?

3]name any 5 of the guys depicted below(easy for comics- maniacs)

4]how is the KDE advanced text editor known as?

5]we all know about lois lane's Kal what does the semetic word El mean?

6]Who or what was the reason of Superman's death?(answer in 1 or 2 words only)

7]how did the author's book ,The Lagoon and Other Stories,save the great author,Janet Frame's life,in one way or the other?

8]what is the country whose area is marked in green below?(the capital is hell lot of a clue) - visitor maps