Monday, March 23, 2009

doubtful duty??!!!!

Seeing all the top blogs in the community,i have realised that my blog is no match for the others.
i feel that what i have as a blog is more suddenly i have a doubt whether to close this blog down and start a better blog with more of a professional readers please do tell me whether i should close down this blog and start a newer and better blog or just better the posts on this blog.dont worry about the previous answers as i ' ll post all the answers b4 i go to the newer questions or even the newer blog.
do reply in the comments within the next 2 days as i am already on the verge of starting a new blog.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Saturday, March 21, 2009

143-not far away from 150

A}I want you to tell me a word which is very long.further it is the name of a special form of silicosis caused by ultra-microscopic particles of silica volcanic dust.Silicosis,if you did'nt know, is a form of occupational lung disease caused by inhalation of crystalline silica dust, and is marked by inflammation and scarring in forms of nodular lesions in the upper lobes of the lungs.

B}what is this soft peaceful animal

C}Rapid Fire [short answer type] questions-straightforward-----

1]What are fire arms named after?

2]what is called Tikli in Marathi,Chandlo in Gujarati,Teep in Bengali,Nande in Malaysia & Paki dot in English ?

3]name any 5 of the guys depicted below(easy for comics- maniacs)

4]how is the KDE advanced text editor known as?

5]we all know about lois lane's Kal what does the semetic word El mean?

6]Who or what was the reason of Superman's death?(answer in 1 or 2 words only)

7]how did the author's book ,The Lagoon and Other Stories,save the great author,Janet Frame's life,in one way or the other?

8]what is the country whose area is marked in green below?(the capital is hell lot of a clue)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

142 (slowly yet steadily reaching ther)

A) so what is this picture about?(eezee-peezee)

B)so what is this guy making?it would be of gr8 value if you tell me who this guy is.

(clue--hewas a pioneer in his technique)

C)After returning from a hunting trip with his dog in the Alps ,Swiss engineer , George de Mestrall
took a close look at the Burrs(seeds) of Burdock that kept sticking to his clothes and his dog's fur. He examined them under a microscope, and noted their hundreds of "hooks" that caught on anything with a loop, such as clothing, animal fur, or what happened next????

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

earth hour 2009

some old controversy revived

i was just browsing by the net and i came across one big mountain of a controversy here in india
further on reading the whole page i realised that there are a whole lot of frauds also out there promising us what is not there at what i am now telling all those bloggers and blogreaders out there is to spread the message.just keep passing the message and may be one of us can be successful in teaching guys a good lesson.

by the way,while browsed for more and more of things of this type i noticed the TAJ controversy
check this link out

141 ( lets get ready for 150)


A)ID this trophy

B)symbol of???


this one is sure to be interesting.............

"According to folklore, if a groundhog emerging from its burrow on this day fails to see its shadow, it will leave the burrow, signifying that winter will soon end. If on the other hand, the groundhog sees its shadow, the groundhog will supposedly retreat into its burrow, and winter will continue for six more weeks."
so which day is it???

(..............simple guys........)

D) if you guys do get the connect,it'd be gr8

Monday, March 16, 2009

140 (approaching 150 - get ready to party )

A)note the background and tell me what guys like him are called.

B)now tell me what i am explaining about.....
B is found in india and bangladesh.Where the species first lived is not known, but now the species survives from a small population (around 400) in a manmade pond which is part of a shrine in Chittagong, Bangladesh. They are dependent on humans for survival. If this shrine were destroyed the species would be extinct.
what is B?

C)so tell me whos this guy down here....

Prof. Silpa Bhirasri by Khunlee.

D)ID the X(hint:its a syndrome....)

has been coined to describe the common tendency of mundane characters in horror drama to fail to notice, or to reject as unreal or impossible, the unusual activities taking place under their noses, even when blindingly obvious.

(this a new set of different template of questions just becos one of my pals said the pics were too distracting.i must not froget to inform you that the questions from hereon will plunge more deep inside trivia and gk.dont forget to check the comments page for the answers.for the first eight alone please refer to the answers blog .please excuse me if the answers for the questions are not given.the answers shall be given within the end of this month.sorry for the inconvenience bloggers..and dont forget to leave comments guys.happy quizzing to one and all) 

apologies to all for foolishness on my part

sorry that i tried to start a new blog and pester all you guys.

anyway,ill start postin answers from the 8th one in the comments page for all of your interest.

thanks for your comments readers

Saturday, March 14, 2009

all answers

since all my visitors are perplexed by the absence of the answers i have now decided to cr8 a seperate blog for the answers.i will post answers for all the questions.please forgive me if there is delay in answers or questions for i am now fully tied up with exams.

thanking you,
yours sincerely

Saturday, March 7, 2009


A)what is this ?in two  words only ....


B)what is this about?

C)what is blacked out below?

D)why is this famous??or rather notorius?


E)whose logo?(wantedly blacked out by me)


a)what is this cartoon down about?

b)who is this guy who was involved in the above?
  Photo of Michael Smith
(wanna clue????

a twister indeed


G)the usual bumper dhamaka...........

connect them all with 2 words,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

i'm gonna love the answers for this question - visitor maps