Thursday, February 5, 2009

fifty third

id this  X.clue?

here is an inscription on X in Latin, which translated reads:

"Great X the door closer of Oxford renovated April 81680 in the reign of Charles II. Deacon John, the Bishop of Oxford and sub Deacon give thanks to the knowledge of Henry Smith and the care and workmanship of Christopher Hodson".

Great X is still sounded 101 times every night, which signifies the 100 original scholars of the college plus one (added in 1663). It is rung at 21:05, which corresponds to what used to be "Oxford time" (when different parts of the country set their clocks according to their distance from the Greenwich meridian), and was at one time the signal for all the Oxford colleges to lock their gates. The bell is only rung by swinging on very special occasions.

1 comment:

appu said...

this one was interesting

the answer is the Tom Tower

check out the wiki article - visitor maps