a is the trend in the USA.b is the trend in EUROPE.c gained utter terror in children's hearts.d is utmost disciplinary.what am i talking about????????????

I always had a dream to quiz.then later quizzed my dreams.As i quizzed ,all my dreams became reality.I still quizzed reality and it turned into a dream.Now i am totally disillusioned whether i quiz or dream or dream about quizzing or quiz about dreaming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 comment:
A shows the map of The US about the extent of corporal punishment of students in schools.
B shows Legality of corporal punishment in Europe
green- Corporal punishment prohibited in schools and the home
blue- Corporal punishment prohibited in schools only
red- Corporal punishment not prohibited
C is just chilli sauce,used for hot saucing.Hotsaucing is the act of disciplining a child by putting hot sauce on his tongue.
D is a pic of Cato'ninetail.The cat o' nine tails, commonly shortened to 'the cat', is a type of multi-tailed whipping device that originated as an implement for severe physical punishment, notably in the Royal Navy of the United Kingdom.
i must not forget to tell you that i have seen nine-tales from pokemon that resembles this instrument.Ninetales is a yellow nine-tailed fox, based on the kitsune, a Japanese fox spirit. Ninetales is highly intelligent and able to understand human speech, but also vengeful; Ninetales have been recorded as putting a 1,000 year curse on anyone who grabs one of their tails, which is a focus of the plot in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team and Red Rescue Team.
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